Ace the Illinois Roofing Practice Exam 2024 – Nail It and Soar to New Heights!

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For low slope roofing systems with modified bitumen membranes, what is recommended for extending patch areas?

A 5 inches

B 8 inches

In low slope roofing systems that utilize modified bitumen membranes, it is crucial to extend patch areas sufficiently to ensure that the repair blends well with the existing roofing material and provides a secure seal against potential water entry. Extending the patch area to 8 inches allows for a proper overlap with the existing membrane, ensuring that the repaired section adheres effectively and helps distribute any stresses or movements across a wider area, which can enhance the overall durability and performance of the roofing system. A patch that is too small may lead to insufficient adhesion and increased risk of leaks, while extending it beyond the recommended distance may unnecessarily use more material or complicate the application process. The choice of 8 inches strikes a balance between adequate coverage and efficient material use, making it the recommended practice for effective repairs in modified bitumen roofing systems.

C 12 inches

D 15 inches


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